An extended B′ formulation for ablating-surface boundary conditions
Padovan A, Vollmer B, Panerai F, Panesi M, Stephani KA, Bodony DJ.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 218, January 2024, 124770
Flow Mechanics in Ablative Thermal Protection Systems
Mansour NN, Panerai F, Lachaud J, Magin T.
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 56, January 2024, 549-575
Equilibrium model for the ablation response of silicone-coated PICA
Meurisse JBE, Bellas Chatzigeorgis G, Ventura Diaz P, Bessire BK, Panerai F, and Mansour NN.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 201, February 2023, 123523
Adaptive physics-informed neural operator for coarse-grained non-equilibrium flow
I. Zanardi, S. Venturi, M. Panesi
Scientific Reports, Volume 13, 19 September 2023, 15497
Assessing thermophysical properties of parameterized woven composite models using image-based simulations
Foster CW, Collins LN, Panerai F, Roberts SA.
Composites Science and Technology, Volume 241, 18 August 2023, 110136
Deep Learning Closure of the Navier–Stokes Equations for Transition-Continuum Flows
AS Nair, J Sirignano, M Panesi, JF MacArt
Efficient quasi-classical trajectory calculations by means of neural operator architectures
M. Sharma, S. Venturi, I. Zanardi, M. Panesi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 20, 9 May 2023, 13902-13912
Microstructure of pyrolyzing RTV silicone
Oruganti S, Mansour NN, Panesi M, and Panerai F.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Volume 207, January 2023, 110237
Real-time quantitative imaging of RTV silicone pyrolysis
Foster CW, Oruganti S, and Panerai F.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Volume 214, August 2023, 1104403
Rovibrational internal energy transfer and dissociation of high-temperature oxygen mixture
SM Jo, S. Venturi, JG Kim, and M. Panesi
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 158, Issue 6, 14 February 2023, 064305
The role of impurities and degradation on the thermal conductivity of carbon fiber and amorphous carbon
Matthew T. Konnik, Francesco Panerai, Kelly A. Stephani
Carbon Trends, Volume 7, April 2022, 100151
Arc-jet measurements of low-density ablator spallation
Kristen J. Price, Francesco Panerai, Colby G. Borchetta, J. Matthew Hardy, Alexandre Martin, Sean C.C.Bailey
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 133, 1 May 2022, 110544
Comprehensive Study of HCN: Potential Energy Surfaces, State-to-State Kinetics, and Master Equation Analysis
M. Sharma, SM Jo, S. Venturi, R.L. Jaffe, M. Panesi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 126, Issue 4, 26 October 2022, 8249–8265
Continuum to rarefied diffusive tortuosity factors in porous media from X-ray microtomography
Joseph C. Ferguson, Arnaud Borner, Francesco Panerai, Sigrid Close, Nagi N. Mansour
Computational Materials Science, Volume 203, 15 February 2022, 111030
Effects of problem complexity reduction on parameter sensitivity and classification in charring ablator scenarios
P. Rostkowski, J. Meurisse, J. Thornton, R. Smith, M.Panesi
Aerospace Science and Technology Volume 124, May 2022, 107522
Gas-surface interactions in lightweight fibrous carbon materials
Krishnan Swaminathan Gopalan, ArnaudBorner, Joseph C.Ferguson, FrancescoPanerai, Nagi N.Mansour, Kelly A.Stephani
Computational Materials Science, Volume 205, April 2022
Non-equilibrium plasma generation via nano-second multi-mode laser pulses
A. Alberti, A. Munafo, C. Pantano, J. Freund, M. Panesi
Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 131, Issue 3. 21 January 2022, 033102
Rovibrational-Specific QCT and Master Equation Study on N2(X1Σg+) + O(3P) and NO(X2Π) + N(4S) Systems in High-Energy Collisions
Sung Min Jo, Simone Venturi, Maitreyee P. Sharma, Alessandro Munafo, and Marco Panesi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 126, Issue 21, 23 May 2022, 3273–3290
Three-dimensional unsteady model of arc heater plasma flow
Jeremie B. E. Meurisse, Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, Marco Panesi, Nagi N. Mansour
Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 123, April 2022, 107465
Update 3.0 to “PuMA: The Porous Microstructure Analysis software,” (PII:S2352711018300281)
Joseph C. Ferguson, Federico Semeraro, John M. Thornton, Francesco Panerai, Arnaud Borner, Nagi N. Mansour
SoftwareX, Volume 15, July 2021, 100775
Carbon Clusters: Thermochemistry and Electronic Structure at High Temperatures
M. P. Sharma, R. Jaffe, and M. Panesi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 125, Issue 32, 9 August 2021, 7038–7051
Prediction of shock standoff distance with modified rotational relaxation time of air mixture
SM Jo, M. Panesi and JG Kim
Radiative Transmission and Absorption Within the Thermal Protection System of Atmospheric Entry Spacecraft
A. Martin and M. Panesi
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 59, Issue 1, 21 September 2021
Self-Consistent Computational Fluid Dynamics of Supersonic Drag Reduction via Upstream-Focused Laser-Energy Deposition
A. Alberti, A. Munafo, C. Pantano, M. Panesi
Thermal effects mediating the flow induced by laser-induced optical breakdown
J. M. Wang, M. Panesi, J. B. Freund
Physical Review Fluids, Volume 6, Issue 6, 30 June 2021, 063403
Bayesian Machine Learning Approach to the Quantification of Uncertainties on Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces
S. Venturi, R.L. Jaffe, and M. Panesi
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 124, Issue 25, 28 May 2020, 5129–5146
Coarse-grained modeling of thermochemical nonequilibrium using the multigroup maximum entropy quadratic formulation
M. Sharma, Y. Liu, M. Panesi
Physical Review E, Volume 101, Issue 1, 16 January 2020, 013307
Collinear dual-pulse laser optical breakdown and energy deposition
A. Alberti, A. Munafo, C. Pantano, J. Freund, M. Panesi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 53, 12 March 2020, 205202
Comparative analysis of reduced-order spectral models and grouping strategies for non-equilibrium radiation
A. Sahai, C.O. Johnston, B. Lopez, M. Panesi
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 242, February 2020, 106752
Comparative analysis of reduced-order spectral models and grouping strategies for non-equilibrium radiation
A Sahai, CO Johnston, B Lopez, M Panesi
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 242, 106752 (2020)
Competitive kinetic model for the pyrolysis of the Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator
F Torres-Herrador, J Coheur, F Panerai, TE Magin, M Arnst, NN Mansour, J Blondeau
Aerospace Science & Technology, 100 105784 (2020)
Course-grained modeling of thermochemical non equilibrium using the multi group maximum entropy quadratic formulation
M Sharma, Y Liu, M Panesi
Physical Review E 101, 013307 (2020)
Data-Inspired and Physics-Driven Model Reduction for Dissociation: Application to the O2 + O System
S. Venturi, M. Sharma; B. Lopez, M. Panesi
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 124, 4 September 2020, 8359-837
Laser-induced non-equilibrium plasma kernel dynamics
A Alberti, A Munafo, M Koll, M Nishihara, C Pantano, JB Freund, GS Elliott, M Panesi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53 025201 (2020)
State-to-State Master Equation and Direct Molecular Simulation Study of Energy Transfer and Dissociation for the N2–N System
R. Macdonald, E. Torres, T. Schwerzentruber, and M. Panesi
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 124, Issue 35, 31 July 2020, 6986–7000
A computational model for nanosecond pulse laser-plasma interactions
A Munafo, A Alberti, C Pantano, JB Freund, M Panesi
Journal of Computational Physics 109190 (2019)
A high heating rate pyrolysis model for the Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) based on mass spectroscopy experiments
F Torres-Herrador, JBE Meurisse, F Panerai, J Blondeau, J Lachaud, BK Bessire, TE Magin, NN Mansour
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 141, 104625 (2019)
Construction of Finite Rate Surface Chemistry Models from Pulsed Hyperthermal Beam Experimental Data
K Swaminathan-Gopalan, KA Stephani
AIP Advances 9 (3), 035246 (2019)
Experimental measurements of the high-temperature oxidation of carbon fibers
F Panerai, T Cochell, A Martin, JD White
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 136, 972-986 (2019)
Flow radiation coupling in CO2 hypersonic wakes using reduced-order non-Boltzmann models
A Sahai, CO Johnston, B Lopez, M Panesi
Physical Review Fluids 4 (9) 093401 (2019)
Flow-radiation coupling in CO 2 hypersonic wakes using reduced-order non-Boltzmann models
A. Sahai, C.O. Johnston, B. Lopez, M. Panesi
Physical Review Fluids, Volume 4, Issue 9, 20 September 2019, 093401
Interactive volumetric segmentation for textile micro-tomography data using wavelets and nonlocal means
JML MacNeil, DM Ushizima, F Panerai, NN Mansour, HS Barnard, DY Parkinson
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 12 (4) 338-353 (2019)
Laser-induced non-equilibrium plasma kernel dynamics
A. Alberti, A. Munafo, Koll, Matthew; Nishihara, Munetake;, J.B. Freund, C. Pantano, G. Elliott, M. Panesi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 53, Number 2, 21 October 2019, 025201
Prediction of gas transport properties through fibrous carbon preform microstructures using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
R Jambunathan, DA Levin, A Borner, JC Ferguson, F Panerai
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130, 923-937 (2019)
Vibrational state-specific model for dissociation and recombination of the O2 (3 Σ g −) + O (3 P) system in DSMC
TJ Pan, T Wilson, KA Stephani
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (7), 074305 (2019)
Assessment of continuum breakdown for chemically reacting wake flow
S Subramaniam, KA Stephani
Phys. Rev. Fluids 3 (12), 123401 (2018)
Calibration and Uncertainty Quantification of VISTA Ablator Material Database Using Bayesian Inference
P Rostkowski, S Venturi, M Panesi, A Omidy, H Weng, A Martin
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 0 (0), 1-14 (2018)
Comparison of Potential Energy Surface and Computed Rate Coefficients for N2 Dissociation
RL Jaffe, M Grover, S Venturi, DW Schwenke, P Valentini,
TE Schwartzentruber, M Panesi
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 32 (4), 869-881 (2018)
Construction of a coarse-grain quasi-classical trajectory method. I. Theory and application to N2–N2 system
RL Macdonald, RL Jaffe, DW Schwenke, M Panesi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (5), 054309 (2018)
Construction of a coarse-grain quasi-classical trajectory method. II. Comparison against the direct molecular simulation method
RL Macdonald, MS Grover, TE Schwartzentruber, M Panesi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (5), 054310 (2018)
Development and validation of a finite-rate model for carbon oxidation by atomic oxygen
K Swaminathan-Gopalan, A Borner, VJ Murray, S Poovathingal, TK Minton, NN Mansour, KA Stephani
Carbon 137, 313-332 (2018)
Experimental analysis of spallation particle trajectories in an arc-jet environment
SCC Bailey, D Bauer, F Panerai, SC Splinter, PM Danehy, JM Hardy, A Martin
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 93, 319-325 (2018)
Impact of state-specific flowfield modeling on atomic nitrogen radiation
CO Johnston, M Panesi
Physical Review Fluids 3 (1), 013402 (2018)
Multidimensional material response simulations of a full-scale tiled ablative heatshield
JBE Meurisse, J Lachaud, F Panerai, C Tang, NN Mansour
Aerospace Science and Technology 76, 497-511 (2018)
PuMA: the Porous Microstructure Analysis software
JC Ferguson, F Panerai, A Borner, NN Mansour
Software X 7, 81-87 (2018)
Robust reconstruction of the catalytic properties of thermal protection materials from sparse high-enthalpy facility experimental data
F Sanson, F Panerai, TE Magin, PM Congedo
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 96, 482-492 (2018)
A reduced-Order NLTE Kinetic Model for Radiating Plasmas of Outer Envolopes of Stellar Atmospheres
A Munafo, NN Mansour, M Panesi
The Astrophysical Journal 838 (2) (2017)
Adaptive Coarse Graining Method for Energy Transfer and Dissociation Kinetics of Polyatomic Species
A Sahai, B Lopez, CO Johnston, M Panesi
Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 054107 (2017)
Assessment of Predictive Capabilities for Aerodynamic Heating in Hypersonic Flow
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 90, 39-53 (2017)
Extension of Multiband Opacity-Binning to Molecular, Non-Boltzmann Shock Layer Radiation
CO Johnston, A Sahai, M Panesi
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 32 (3), 816-821 (2017)
High-temperature permeability of fibrous materials using direct simulation Monte Carlo
A Borner, F Panerai, NN Mansour
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106, 1318-1326 (2017)
Micro-tomography based analysis of thermal conductivity, diffusivity and oxidation behavior of rigid and flexible fibrous insulators
F Panerai, J Ferguson, J Lachaud, A Martin, MJ Gasch, NN Mansour
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108, 801-811 (2017)
Modeling of a high pressure arc-discharge with the fully-implicit Navier-Stokes stabilized finite element flow solver
A Sahai, NN Mansour, B Lopez, M Panesi
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26, 055012 (2017)
Quantification of uncertainty on the catalytic property of reusable thermal protection materials from high enthalpy experiments
F Sanson, N Villedieu, F Panerai, O Chazot, T Magin, P Congedo
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 82, 414-423 (2017)
Stochastic characterisation methodology for 3-D textiles based on micro-tomography
A Vanaerschot, F Panerai, A Cassell, SV Lomov, D Vandepitte, NN Mansour
Composite Structures 173, 44-52 (2017)
Theoretical study on the micro-scale oxidation of resin-infused carbon ablators
J Ferguson, F Panerai, J Lachaud, NN Mansour
Carbon 121, 552-562 (2017)
Analysis of Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Inductively Coupled Plasma Generators
Physics of Plasmas 23, 073512 (2016)
Coupled Structural-Acoustic Response of a Duct-Mounted Elastic Plate with Grazing Flow
MM Sucheendran, DJ Bodony, PH Geubelle
AIAA Journal 52, (1) (2014)
Electron-Vibrational Energy Transfer in Molecular Oxygen Plasmas
V Laporta, K Heritier, M Panesi
Chemical Physics 472 (15), 44-49 (2016)
Fluid–Thermal Response of Spherical Dome Under a Mach 6.59 Laminar Boundary Layer
CM Ostoich, DJ Bodony, PH Geubelle
AIAA Journal 50, 12 (2012)
Generalized Chapman-Enskog continuum breakdown parameters for chemically reacting flows
K Swaminathan-Gopalan, S Subramaniam, KA Stephani
Physical Review Fluids 1, 083402 (2016)
Interaction of a Mach 2.25 turbulent boundary layer with a fluttering panel using direct numerical simulation
CM Ostoich, DJ Bodony, PH Geubelle
Phys Fluids 25, 110806 (2013)
Physics of Non-equilibrium Radiation and Dissociation of CO Molecules in Shock Heated Flows
RL Macdonald, A Munafo', CO Johnston, M Panesi
Physical Review Fluids 1, 043401 (2016)
Plasma-Graphene Interaction and Its Effects on Nanoscale Patterning
Physical Review B 93, 035416 (2016)
Recommended DSMC collision model parameters for modeling ionized air transport processes
K Swaminathan-Gopalan, KA Stephani
Physics of Fluids 28, 027171 (2016)